Gallery Space
Gallery Space…Cathy Gray Ink Work and Sabi Design have collaborated with Castle Prestige on Glen Osmond Rd. No doubt if you drive down Glen Osmond Rd you have already eyed our work. The huge windows facing the road, showcase our work beautifully. In January my sister introduced us to Grant, Luke and Yanni to see if we would like to collaborate. The space although filled with stunning cars had empty walls beckoning for something. Our large scale pieces work perfectly in the space and hold their own against the equally impressive cars.
Our art is shown exclusively both downstairs and upstairs. You are welcome to head in and have a look around, Luke and Yanni will show you around. If you are looking for a more personal tour then we are happy to meet you there. If you are an interior designer or builder, we have a beautiful space with board table for you to bring your clients to view our work. Over the next few months we will continue to interchange the art, providing you with something new to look at whilst you are driving to and from work.
Opening Night
Opening Night… Friday evening the 12th saw the opening of our new gallery space at Castle Prestige and was attended by 100 guests. Jeremy Cordeaux radio personality opened the evening. Nick Baranikow, Master Auctioneer auctioned two pieces of art raising funds for The night was made even more special with 3 very special guests in the form of collectable cars. The 1979 E-Type Jag once owned by Dolly Parton, in which I had a very Thelma and Louise moment in, Jack Brabham’s 1959 Formula One World Championship car and the Porsche GT3. Catering was from Amazing Grazers A very special evening and enjoyed by everyone.